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New wes craven movie coming out, was not expecting this. If you did not know who wes craven is he made some iconic horror movies like Nightmare on Elm Street, Last House on The Left, The Serpent and the Rainbow and The Scream trilogy. His new movie is called "My Soul To Take", which to me sounds a little cheesy. But you should never judge a movie by its title (Dog Day Afternoon had no dogs in it!). I might check this one out because with Wes even his bad movies can be fun to watch like Deadly Friend and Shocker.

Horror has always got a bad rap for being very predictable, but no one seems to rag on romantic comedies for doing the same thing, I'll admit some horror movies have given the genre a bad reputation for just being torture porn. But there are really some great horror movies out there, so here is a list of some classics and new ones that I like (if you see a * then I also recommend the remake)

Dawn of the Dead*
The Devils Rejects
The Exorcist
Friday The 13th*
The Thing
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Vanishing
Let the Right one in
The Fly
An American Werewolf in London
The Mist

I could have easily made this list a lot longer, but i just wanted to give examples of horror movies I like.

Its almost like cheating!

So much in Tv and Movie news has happened since my last update. Here is my thoughts on a few highlights.

The big recent news is that Toy Story 3 has just been released. Now I haven't been seen the movie yet, but i want to see it soon. I think the big selling point of the movie is the nostalgia that people get with seeing a sequel to a childhood favorite. I have high hopes for this movie, and from the recent reviews it doesn't seem to disappoint.

AMC is adapting one of my favorite comic book series into a mini series. The Walking Dead is a comic series that is more than just a gore comic that's nothing but zombie killing, its a drama about the people trying to survive the zombie apocalypses. In the situation of zombie apocalypse both the best and worst of people can come out. It is being adapted by Frank Darabont who directed The Shawshank redemption, the mist, and the majestic. While it will only run six episodes, im hoping that means that they will put alot of effort in making the episodes. It is set to be shown during Octobers fear fest.

Another big summer release is Predators. I do not expect it to be as great as Predator, for the sole reason that Adrien Brody is the hero of the story. How do you go from Schwarzenegger to Adrian Brody? But it is written by Robert Rodriguez so it could be great.

currently reading:
Finished: IT
Finishing up: Under The Dome
Up Next:The best of HP Lovecraft,The Stand

Listening to:
The Cure-Pornography
David Bowie-Diamond Dogs

Review: Watchmen

Watchmen Pictures, Images and Photos
In a gritty and alternate 1985 the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown, but after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered an investigation into the killer is initiated. The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so discover a deeper and far more diabolical plot.

This is not a normal super hero movie, it goes a lot deeper into the whole masked crime fighter concept. It asks the question "What makes people want to wear costumes and fight crimes?". The heroes in watchmen all have flaws, they act like real people. The heroes all want justice, some more violent then others. You might even say that some of them are extremely disturbed.

The movie is like Forest Gump with super heroes, meaning there is a lot of pop culture references. It takes place in a alternate universe where the only heroes that actually has super powers ,Doctor Manhattan, is the only thing keeping America and the soviet union from nuclear war. They also play a part in united states conflict, the comedian and Doctor Manhattan are asked to blow up the Vietcong by Richard Nixon. These instances of history with super heroes thrown in is one of the many reasons I like this movie.

I cant review the movie without talking about mature theme of the movie. This movie makes the dark knight look like pretty in pink. The blood and gore can get excessive at times, same with sex. But it fits the movie, in a way the comic was way more violent.

I have to mention the music in this movie, its a almost exact collection of music that was referenced to in the graphic novel.

Watchmen may be a little to long for the average viewer, but it was made with comic book fans in mind. It is a amazing adaptation of a even better comic (they might of changed the ending but I can understand why).

I give watchmen 5 dancing nite owls out of 5