My top 5 movies of 2009

2010 is almost upon us, so im going to give my top 5 movies of the year. I tried to see as many of the movies that came out this year. So if one of the movies you liked isn't on here then it doesn't mean I hated it, it just means that i probably haven't seen it.

5.Drag me to hell
Sam raimi's return to horror was a mix of horror and humor. I liked the gross out effects and the camera angles for some old school horror.

4.Star Trek
I was never really a fan of the star trek TV show, but this movie seemed to make it more accessible to a wider audience. And I don't have a problem with that if it still makes a great fun movie. (unlike another movie that we wont mention)

3.District 9
Wow. Thats all District 9 left me saying after the firsttime I saw it. The effects were amazing, that cast of unkowns was great and the story was intreaging it had alot of social commentary throughout the film, which was the icing on the cake.

2.Inglorious Basterds
I've always been a huge terintino fan (his commentary on Reservoir dogs made me want to be a film maker). The scenes in Inglorios basterds can go from very funny to very tense. As with all of tarintinos movies the movie is full of Black humor. The Dialogue is witty, the action is brutal and I loved every second of it.

I'm not going to reveal number one until new years eve. It will be revealed in review of the movie.

News: Under the Dome

It seems Stephen King wrote a new book called "under the dome" about a town with a giant dome all around it. You say this plot sounds familiar? The Simpson's movie had a very similar plot. Thou according to King hes had this story for a very long time. His latest books have been very rocky with me, I really liked his short story collection called Just after sunset but never really got into Lisey's Story.

Im hoping to read the book over the holidays and post what I think about it. Being a long time fan of king, I feel obligated to read his "final book" as he said it. Some people say that king has lost his touch, I somewhat agree but im hoping he goes out with a bang with Under The Dome.


I plan on seeing The Road and writing a review