Killer Albums: Imaginos by Blue Oyster Cult

You probably never heard of this album, and I don't blame you. It was out out of print for a while but I think it got reprinted in 2008 ( according to Wikipedia). Anyways this is a concept album that tells the story of imaginos. Now i cant explain it very good so here is a quote about the story:

"History is a dream, here, in the realm of Imaginos. Access to the dream is not in order. In a dream there is no time but evermore. If there is no time, there is no order. In the saga of Imaginos. between the extremes of the beginning (Les Invisibles) and the end (Magna of Illusion), everything happens all at once. Without a sequence of events, there is a rush of events. The rush of events is horror. This is the key. Ultimately, rhythm is image, and image is rhythm. Ultimately, this myth is random access."

This is from a site dedicated to just this album. Originally a bunch of poems by Sandy Pearlman than it was given to BOC (Blue Oyster Cult), so in a way the album is bigger then BOC. With major influence from H.P. Love Craft and his Cthulhu Mythos. The music also sounds great, it really is my favorite BOC album. Joe Satriani supposedly used to clean up the guitar tracks for BOC. There are some really great tracks in here, some of the highlights are "Les Invisibles" "Del Rio's Song" "Astronamy" and "Imaginos".

The only problem with the album is you might have to listen to it couple of times to really understand the music. I know when i first listened to it I got so confused I didn't listen to it again for a couple of weeks.

Imaginos is not for everyone. But if you like classic hard rock or concept albums with a Lovecraft influence check it out. It may be hard to find but now that its on CD im sure you can find it.

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