Trick 'r Treat

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, people dress up, watch horror movies, and have a good time. That being said Trick r' Treat has been hyped for about 2 years and after waiting for a theatrical release im just glad in was released.

This anthology movie has 4 stories that are connected somehow. Its kind of hard to explain the story's without spoiling the surprises. My favorite story's being the first and last one, just because the "SAM" kid is such a cool character. Anna Paquin and Brian Cox do a good job, but besides them its mostly unknown actors. The movie also has a very dark and mean spirited sense of humor.

The movie have one of best Halloween atmospheres I've seen in a while. Watch it if you want to get into the Halloween mood. The movie is not high on gore but there is a lot of blood and I don't recommend showing it to the kids. Overall its a great Halloween movie and I recommend it to anyone who likes Halloween or horror movies.

i give it a 4/5

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